Educator; b. Sakado, Japan; m. Etsuko; children: Takuya, Tomoya. B. of Engneering Saitama. U., Urawa, Japan, 1978; M. of Engineering Tokyo Inst. Tech. 1980, D. of Engineering 1983. Rsch. assoc. Gunma U., Kiryu, Japan, 1983-91, Assoc. prof. 1991-2001, Prof. 2001-; lectr. Joubu U. 1994-2003. Translator: IEEE Standard dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms, 1989; Articles to prof. jours. Mem. IEEE, IEE Japan, Japan Soc. Simulation Tech.. Office, Gunma U., 1-5-1 Tenjin-cho, Kiryu, 376-8515, Jpan.